Listen Once upon a time in the bustling corridors of Canadian Parliament, there existed a peculiar alliance between two unlikely factions: the Liberals, led by the drama extraordinaire Prime...
Listen In a stunning display of legislative theatrics, politicians across the nation have banded together to introduce the “Politicians’ Powderpuff Feelings Act,” a bill aimed...
Listen Canada, known for its vast landscapes, cultural diversity, and reputation for progressive values, is also a nation where the pursuit of political change often resembles a weary cycle...
Justin Trudeau's Controversies The integrity of those who seek and hold public office is of paramount importance. The survival of democratic systems hinges on their unwavering commitment to...
It has become increasingly clear that our so-called democratic society is grappling with a paradox. The very individuals we elect to represent our voices and aspirations often appear deaf to our concerns. It’s as if there’s an unwritten rule that one must...
Grooming to normalize an agenda over time is a manipulative and gradual process in which an individual or group seeks to make their specific agenda or ideology appear acceptable and mainstream. This process often involves several stages: Identify Target Audience: The...
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