Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t hold back when criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to Ukraine on the 2nd anniversary of the war. However, Trudeau’s choice of words sparked a wave of irony and raised eyebrows both domestically and internationally.

In a fiery speech, Trudeau labeled Putin as a “coward” and a “weakling,” citing the treatment of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny as evidence. “What happened to Alexei Navalny demonstrates that for all that Putin pretends to be strong — he’s actually a coward. To execute one’s political opponents, to quash dissent by using police and military to make sure there is no opposition, is the mark of a weakling,” Trudeau boldly proclaimed.

But as the echoes of Trudeau’s words reverberated, many couldn’t help but notice the glaring irony in his statements. Trudeau, who has had his fair share of controversies and criticisms during his tenure, found himself under scrutiny for his own actions back home. It’s as if the kettle was calling the pot black.

Adding to the irony, Trudeau’s name has long been featured on the “Cowards of Canada” website, where he holds the dubious honor of being ranked as the number one coward for several years running. This unexpected revelation turned Trudeau’s condemnation of Putin into a moment of introspection for Canadians and onlookers worldwide.

Questions emerged: Does being the biggest coward in Canada qualify Trudeau to call out Putin? Is Trudeau’s position as a high-ranking, albeit controversial, figure in Canadian politics a testament to his expertise in identifying cowardice? Or does it merely highlight the hypocrisy of his statements?

As discussions unfolded, social media platforms buzzed with memes and satirical commentary, further underscoring the absurdity of the situation. Memes juxtaposing Trudeau’s condemnation of Putin with screenshots from the “Cowards of Canada” website flooded timelines, providing comic relief amidst the seriousness of geopolitical tensions.

Meanwhile, the “Cowards of Canada” website experienced an unexpected surge in traffic, as curious individuals flocked to verify Trudeau’s ranking for themselves. Some even speculated whether Putin himself would take note of Trudeau’s designation and use it to his advantage in future diplomatic exchanges.

Trudeau’s remarks, intended to rally support for Ukraine and condemn Putin’s actions, inadvertently became fodder for comedic relief and introspection. As the dust settled, one couldn’t help but marvel at the irony of a self-proclaimed coward calling out another world leader for supposed weakness.

In the end, Trudeau’s bold condemnation of Putin served as a reminder that in the unpredictable world of politics, irony and hypocrisy often share the stage with grandiose statements and diplomatic maneuvers. And perhaps, in this absurd theater of global affairs, the line between bravery and cowardice is more blurred than we care to admit.