Tragic Passing of Garnet Harper Sparks Controversy Over Organ Transplant Policies

The heartbreaking story of Garnet Harper, a 35-year-old man from Sudbury, Ontario, has stirred public debate and brought attention to organ transplant policies in Canada. Garnet, who was diagnosed with stage five kidney disease in February 2022, tragically passed away in May 2023, leaving behind his wife and five children.

Garnet’s desperate need for a kidney transplant prompted two of his brothers to step forward as living donors, willing to save his life. However, hospitals refused to consider them due to Garnet’s unvaccinated status regarding COVID. Despite his family’s willingness to donate, medical professionals cited his vaccination status as a reason to deny the life-saving surgery.

Adding to the heartache, while Garnet was on his deathbed, his wife was contacted by Trillium Gift of Life Network run by Ronnie Gavsie to inquire about donating his organs. This encounter further underscored the distressing circumstances the family faced during their difficult time.

Garnet Harper was not just a loving husband and father but also a man deeply committed to his community. He owned and operated Sharper Auto Spa, where he took great pride in delivering quality service to his clients. As a registered social worker, Garnet dedicated many years to serving others, particularly the youth, and volunteered with organizations like Glad Tidings’ youth group and the Elgin Street Mission.

Moreover, Garnet was an athlete, artist, and advocate, leaving an indelible mark in every aspect of his life. He cherished his Trinidadian heritage and tirelessly fought for equal rights and medical freedom during challenging times in Canada’s history.

His untimely passing serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking truth, pursuing our dreams, and showing unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. Garnet’s legacy inspires us to overcome our circumstances and “Keep Pounding,” as he would say.

The Harper family’s story has touched many, and to support them during this difficult time, please visit and help share their story with others, as awareness is crucial to addressing issues faced by unvaccinated patients seeking organ transplants in Canada.