Ryan Imgrund, a former teacher and basketball coach at York Catholic District School Board, has faced the severe consequences of his actions as his teaching license has been permanently revoked by the Ontario College of Teachers. The reason behind this drastic measure? Imgrund has been found guilty of engaging in sexual misconduct, an appalling violation of trust and professional ethics.

Imgrund’s reprehensible behavior involved the transmission of inappropriate text messages, which included explicit photographs of himself, to six young women. Astonishingly, five of these recipients were high school students, placing him in a position of authority and influence over vulnerable individuals. These disturbing incidents spanned a disturbingly long period, stretching from 2005 all the way to 2019.

What is even more disconcerting is that Imgrund’s behavior persisted despite receiving a warning from a school superintendent, who specifically instructed him to cease all communication with students outside of school hours. This blatant disregard for professional boundaries and the well-being of his students demonstrates a troubling lack of judgment and a complete disregard for the duty of care that teachers are entrusted with.

Interestingly, Imgrund rose to public prominence during the pandemic, not for his teaching skills or leadership qualities, but as a self-proclaimed biostatistician. He utilized his Twitter account to disseminate Covid-19 data and advocate for lockdown measures and the importance of wearing masks. Little did the public know at the time that the person behind these proclamations was embroiled in such heinous misconduct.

During the hearing conducted by the Ontario College of Teachers, Imgrund chose not to appear in person, instead pleading no contest to the disturbing allegations leveled against him. The College counsel, referring to his behavior as “alarming” and “abusive,” unequivocally stated that Imgrund had breached the fundamental standards of care, respect, and trust that are expected of educators. It was a clear indication that his actions had irreparably damaged his professional standing.

In an attempt to defend himself and cast doubt on the College’s impartiality, Imgrund took to his public social media accounts to voice his discontent with the judgment. He asserted that the severity of the allegations should raise significant doubts about the fairness and objectivity of the organization. However, his plea fell on deaf ears, as the evidence presented against him was overwhelming and disturbing.

As a result of the revocation of his teaching certificate, Imgrund now faces the permanent banishment from the teaching profession. This resounding decision sends a powerful message that such reprehensible misconduct will not be tolerated and serves to protect the vulnerable from potential harm. Additionally, Imgrund has been subjected to a formal reprimand, underscoring the severity of his actions and their impact on those affected.

Furthermore, in a bid to maintain transparency and alert the public to the gravity of Imgrund’s misconduct, the Ontario College of Teachers will publish his name and a summary of his case on their official website. This serves as a reminder that individuals who betray the trust placed in them by students and society will face the consequences of their actions.

It is truly disheartening to learn that these incidents involving Imgrund allegedly took place while he was coaching basketball at Sacred Heart Catholic High School. The allegations suggest that he engaged in inappropriate behavior with 15-year-old girls under his care. Shockingly, he allegedly requested meetings with these students at the pool and persisted in texting their cellphones despite the clear impropriety of his actions.

The revelation of Ryan Imgrund’s reprehensible conduct serves as a stark reminder that those entrusted with the education and well-being of our children must be held to the highest standards of professionalism and moral integrity. The revocation of his teaching license and the subsequent consequences he now faces send a clear message that such egregious violations of trust will be met